Sunday 29 January 2012


I think it's time for me to talk about New Years Eve. New Years Eve is always a big deal but what is a bigger deal is where to go on the night. We went through a list of typical party places, all genuinely very awesome but this time I wanted something different. 
So my friend calls me and tells me to meet him for New Years Eve in Kensington. Down the side road from Kensington High street there is a building that looks like an office block, I am already thinking this is not going to be fun, but then we get to the door and I realise there is a couple of hundred other people who obviously know something I don't. There is no name on the door, all it says is 99 Kensington High street. The good looking girl on the door says : "Welcome to Roof Gardens" and asks for my name. Thankfully, my friend had bought tickets (how much they cost I don't know, but they are probably not  cheap, judging by the crowd). We walk in and take a lift to the top floor. As soon as the doors opened a smiley waiter hands us each a bottle of Champagne (ok, this is a good start). We go to the first room - looks like a cool night club already half full and it's only 8pm. So I figured we have plenty of time to have look around. We go through a long corridor and suddenly I feel like I am in a Spanish villa with palm trees, music and even a little church. Ok, i'm confused. We walk right to the middle of the garden, we sit by the Champagne Bar. Masses of people just appear. The Bartender tells me: "That this is just the first garden". He takes us to the Tudor Garden. Here we find a marquee tent, decorated to look like Marlyn Monroe's living room. We get handed a cocktail, so we sit and relax and listen to some live jazz. Mellow but I'm already tipsy, so it's ok. 
Back in the main club the party has started. Around 600 people, including a ballerina on stilts, a juggler, a fire breather and some kind of magician. The atmosphere is on full party mode, everyone looks good, everyone smiles, everyone dances, it's all going a little crazy. I like it. 
Few hours later Dj calls everyone to the gardens, the countdown begins, 4 minutes till Midnight. The fireworks start. 
Anyways, just have a look for yourself...

 pretty cool right????

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