Saturday 11 February 2012


To all the Couples,
It's only 3 days till the most Romantic day of the year-
I hope you have prepared something special and not the usual flowers/chocolate... :S
If you are still hesitating on what to do, I'm here to help you!
Drop me an email or make a call
And I promise this Day will get a whole new Twist to it

Tuesday 7 February 2012


There are events which are so great that if a writer has participated in them his obligation is to write truly rather than assume the presumption of altering them with invention

-Ernest Hemingway-

Tuesday 31 January 2012


Last week I have encouraged you all to go celebrate the Chinese New Year in Trafalgar Square. I know that most you probably decided to stay at home on a Sunday afternoon and watch new episode of Gossip Girl that you couldn't watch all week.  
But I cannot allow you to miss such a spectacular event, therefore: 
I arrived there in the early morning just few minutes past 10am and the celebration has already begun with an amazing parade featuring traditional lion and dragon dances from Trafalgar Square heading towards China Town. 


I have never seen so many people on Trafalgar Square, even during demonstrations. Doesn't this show the amazing Asian spirit, they know how to celebrate the New Year without having one too many drinks and then passing out of the floor.
China Town was bursting with colours, laughter and joy. Everywhere around you could smell Chinese delicates, all the small restaurants were opened today and the hosts were as welcoming as ever. 
The celebration culminated in a fantastic Fireworks Display, and believe it or not you have never seen something like that before!

TIP: So for future reference if I suggest you to attend an event, don't think twice about it, I promise you will not be disappointed with my choices :P

Sunday 29 January 2012


Every year the two elite universities compete in a Boat Race. The theme is bbq and drinks by the river Thames. It starts from Putney Bridge and ends I don't know (didn't really pay attention). A couple of thousand people gather by the river bank to watch two groups of good looking nerds show off their athletic strength. But hey, it's traditional.
There is couple of bars and tents set up, serving pimms, wine and beer. The day is only fun if you are in a large group. So we get a whole bunch of my friends, grab our drink and head to the bridge. Imagine, thousands of people having hundreds of small parties. All we need to do  now is have our own, listen to someone else's music and argue over who you think will win.
If you feel like it, place your bets. Once the race starts, the atmosphere lightens up, the large screens zoom in on the might of the burley men doing their thing. The entire crowd routes and shouts, supporting their team. It all over fairly quickly, not everyone knows who even won, but who cares. What else are you going to do on a Saturday afternoon.
After that the crowd disperses and everyone hits a bar. So if you want to take part in a long standing tradition and feel like a true Brit, it's a different way to start a Saturday party at least once a year.
P.S. Last year Oxford won and they looked happy about it.


I think it's time for me to talk about New Years Eve. New Years Eve is always a big deal but what is a bigger deal is where to go on the night. We went through a list of typical party places, all genuinely very awesome but this time I wanted something different. 
So my friend calls me and tells me to meet him for New Years Eve in Kensington. Down the side road from Kensington High street there is a building that looks like an office block, I am already thinking this is not going to be fun, but then we get to the door and I realise there is a couple of hundred other people who obviously know something I don't. There is no name on the door, all it says is 99 Kensington High street. The good looking girl on the door says : "Welcome to Roof Gardens" and asks for my name. Thankfully, my friend had bought tickets (how much they cost I don't know, but they are probably not  cheap, judging by the crowd). We walk in and take a lift to the top floor. As soon as the doors opened a smiley waiter hands us each a bottle of Champagne (ok, this is a good start). We go to the first room - looks like a cool night club already half full and it's only 8pm. So I figured we have plenty of time to have look around. We go through a long corridor and suddenly I feel like I am in a Spanish villa with palm trees, music and even a little church. Ok, i'm confused. We walk right to the middle of the garden, we sit by the Champagne Bar. Masses of people just appear. The Bartender tells me: "That this is just the first garden". He takes us to the Tudor Garden. Here we find a marquee tent, decorated to look like Marlyn Monroe's living room. We get handed a cocktail, so we sit and relax and listen to some live jazz. Mellow but I'm already tipsy, so it's ok. 
Back in the main club the party has started. Around 600 people, including a ballerina on stilts, a juggler, a fire breather and some kind of magician. The atmosphere is on full party mode, everyone looks good, everyone smiles, everyone dances, it's all going a little crazy. I like it. 
Few hours later Dj calls everyone to the gardens, the countdown begins, 4 minutes till Midnight. The fireworks start. 
Anyways, just have a look for yourself...

 pretty cool right????

Wednesday 25 January 2012


Yesterday was my friend's Birthday which she invited us to celebrate at Revolution Vodka Bar in Soho.
As I walked in I realised I have been there before but during the day and it did not look nearly as good back then! Right in the middle of Soho, on a small alley way you can find more than 500 sorts of Vodka in one place!
Although it was a Monday night, there were quite a few tables around us where people after work enjoyed their multi-coloured shots :D
If you are looking for a place to go where you can have a smashing night, but also be able to afford it Revolution Bar is just for you!
Tip: Don't try all 500 kinds in a night!

Tuesday 24 January 2012


Before I ever went to Nozomi in Knightsbridge I have already heard from my friends that it's a great place for dining and partying but I felt it was quite pricy, so preferred to stay away.
A perfect opportunity to go arose when my friends parents came for a visit into town and wanted to go some place 'nice'.
I loved the place from the moment I walked in. Spacious premises, friendly staff, dynamic music (maybe not so much for parents).
Minute by minute I was getting happier (It might have been the wine, i'm not going to lie) but the atmosphere played a big part in that too. Delicious food, finest cocktails, good audience, music was getting louder and louder. Parents definitely felt like it was their cue to leave.

We continued our night downstairs into the Bar, all the tables were already taken but there was no need for one as we all wanted to dance to the mix of  "Sexy and I Know it".
I must say there are a lot of good looking people (especially men, which is so hard to find in London)

I've been going here ever since and would most definitely suggest you trying.

TIP: If you are in for a quiet night, try some place else